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芳的全球領航團隊由Andrea Jung領軍。由傑出女性領航,顯見雅芳不僅是一個真正了解女人的公司,更是以實際行動給予女性絕佳舞台的公司。 全球雅芳領航者 全球雅芳集團執行長鍾彬嫻女士(Andrea Jung)自1999年11月接下掌舵全球雅芳的重任後,徹底全面整頓雅芳,從廣告、製造、包裝到銷售,都令人耳目一新,而2005年進行組織調整後,2007年雅芳的年度營收就增加至99億美元,成長13%,2008年第一季營收更比去年同期成長了14%,而雅芳在拉丁美洲、歐洲及亞洲等新興市場的成長更急速遽增。 重要榮譽 ‧1997年她榮獲美國傑出母親獎。 ‧1998年及1999年被美國《財富》雜誌提名"美國商業界 前50名最有影響力的女性"之一,並被美國廣告協會 選入廣告業名人榜。 ‧2001年被美國《時代雜誌》、CNN共同推選為全球最 具影響力商業領袖之一。 ‧2004年榮獲《華爾街日報》第6名前50位最具影響力之 商場女性。 ‧2007年榮獲US News World Report評選美國最佳領導 者之一。 ‧2008年獲選為《富比士雜誌》 第19名全球最具影響力 之女性及世界直銷聯盟新任主席。 ‧2009-2010年獲選為美國Fortune《財星雜誌》全美商界 女強人第5名,其優異表現自1998年起年年上榜。
Z moto is specializeds in LED lighting system. Our LED emergency warning lights are the best performing, best looking lights available anywhere in the world. Founded in April 2000 as an optical engineering consulting firm, with its great team of engineers and an experienced staff from the manufacturing field Z moto has become an innovator in LED lighting. Our technologically superior patented optical system surpasses all others in quality and brightness. Customers recognize Z moto by our quality, customer service and innovation, which gives us the advantage to stay one step ahead of the competition. Our steady growth is the result of the solid foundation we developed by consulting with the end users in the industry, so that our engineers and designers can produce a product that is superior to all others. Z moto has committed its future to innovation and excellence in quality with strong emphasis on customer satisfaction that is acknowledged by all our customers.
●介紹 創義cafe以維修咖啡機起家,專營代理進口各式咖啡機, 進而銷售咖啡店均售之商品。 服務項目例:咖啡機租賃 .咖啡機.中古咖啡機..咖啡機新舊買賣..咖啡孤兒機專業維修.改裝..原物料.維修餐飲設備等.Lapavoni.CMA及各式咖啡機維修.提供開業輔導。 由於現今詐騙眾多,創義cafe所販售的咖啡產業為特殊商品之前,請教過法律顧問;,所售出之機器產品,公司貨附有保證書。 ◎全省服務專線0800-777058 ◎業務需服務請播~0922-396133.....0982052426 陳R’ ◎咖啡機不良服務請播~0800777058◎創義咖啡機械實業股份有限公司 ◎手機直播02-8967-5103FAX:02-8967-5232 ◎統編13138464 ◎台北縣板橋市四川路二段140巷16弄1號一樓 地圖如下http://tw.maps.yahoo.com/#lat%0124.993818111339884%02lon%01121.45070314407348%02z%011%02pos%01%E6%9D%BF%E6%A9%8B%E5%B8%82%E5%9B%9B%E5%B7%9D%E8%B7%AF2%E6%AE%B5140%E5%B7%B716%E5%BC%841%E8%99%9F%02pok%011%02mrt%010%02pos1%01%02lat1%010%02lon1%010%02pos2%01%02lat2%010%02lon2%010%02shop%01%02sok%010%02sp%010%02slat%010%02slon%010%02rcate%010%02rok%010%02rlat%010%02rlon%010%02lok%010%02llat%010%02llon%010%02mtab%011%02pr%010%02up%010 ◎營業時間:0800~18:00 (付款方式.匯款/付現,刷卡
力光科技有限公司 POWERLIGHT TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. 地址:台灣 新北市 三重區 五谷王北街20巷15弄13號 (近湯城園區 重新大橋) No.13, Aly. 15, Ln. 20, Wuguwang N. St., Sanchong Dist., New Taipei City 241, Taiwan (R.O.C.) TEL: +886-2-85121902 (02)8512-1902 FAX: +886-2-29350328 (02)2935-0328 簡介: 力光科技立足台灣,放眼世界,由於深感全球暖化,天災不斷,環境保護、節能減碳已到刻不容緩的階段,為了保護我們寶貴且唯一的地球,於是我們毅然投入大量時間及資源從事綠色節能商品的設計開發及製造。近年來更在LED相關應用商品取得相當程度的進展,主要業營業項目遍及LED廣告字幕機(跑馬燈)、各式LED照明燈具 (LED燈泡、LED燈管、LED條燈、LED崁燈、LED投射燈等等)、LED廣告燈材、至各式各樣LED相關商品的研發製造。我們的技術在業界已居於相當程度的領先地位,無論在品質或價格上都力求保有絕對競爭優勢,確保所有客戶都能從與我們的合作當中取得最高性價比的產品,得到最好的服務及最完整先進的技術支援。 力光科技在LED產業中不辭勞苦,不怕道路上荊棘滿佈,經過了長時間不求回本的努力營運只為了把產品及服務做到最好。因為我們深切明白-公司永續發展的基礎在於我們對於產品及服務的用心和堅持,我們唯有將產品及服務做到最好,方可帶給自己及合作客戶最大的競爭優勢。力光科技這一路走來,心中充滿無限感恩,感謝所有朋友的支持愛護,因為有你們的相挺,力光才得以在重重艱難險阻中傲然挺立並且勇敢地繼續前進。展望未來,力光將持續開發全新產品並以更優質的品質和服務為台灣經濟創造未來。 主要營業項目: 1.LED照明燈具(燈管、燈泡、LED燈條、LED崁燈、LED投射燈、LED廣告燈等等) 2.LED廣告字幕機 (跑馬燈、顯示屏、電視牆、LED Display) 3.LED燈具研發設計,量產製造。 4.LED商品設計、打樣並量產。 5.LED太陽能環保節能綠色商品。 6.LED廣告燈材及控制器。 7.商業照明、工業照明、公共照明,一般家庭照明。 力光科技有限公司 統編:29145498 電話:02-85121902 官方網站:http://www.acled.tw 備用網站:http://www.力光.tw E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected]
本公司為營業堆高機 創立於1982年 服務項目為:堆高機出租 貨櫃裝卸 機械搬運 工廠搬遷 卡車運輸
Yu-Nion, one of the leading machinery trading companies in Asia, founded in 1980. In our more than 20 years history, we are proud of the excellent reputation, we have gained for being professional, competitive and energetic. Over the years, more than one hundred orders have come from all over the world. A lot of our customers are people who were refered to us by other customers who are pleased with our products service. ※公司因擴大營業項目,大舉徵才,歡迎各位加入勇聯的大家庭。
We are one of specialize manufacturer for CD-R, CD-RW, DVD+/-R, DVD+/-RW, BD-R and also a exporter in Taiwan. The disc product which is we selling the computer peripheral also the market is throughout the worldwide. Our company was established in 1997, recently years we successful to build our brands "STAR 2000" and "PLM". We take a quality control seriously and offer more competitive prices to customer to expanded the market. Besides, with accumulating practical experience and professional knowledge in CD-R, CD-RW, DVD+/-R, DVD+/-RW, BD-R also we can do OEM ODM.
專製木工刀具及鎢鋼銑刀 Founded in 1981, with more than 70 skilled technicians the area of 3,200 square meters plant. Sheng Chyuan Machinery Indutrial Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of router bits, cutting tools, solid carbide spirals , shaper cutters and drill bits. For over two decades, Sheng Chyuan’s products have built on their reputation for quality and reasonable price while exporting them to America and Europe. We believe you will find that Sheng Chyuan’s products can meet your needs in ways. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any comments or questions about them.
HSUN WANG INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. founded in 1998 and located in Changhua county Taiwan. We are specialized in Electronic and Electrician products and are one of leading manufacturer and supplier in this field. In order to meet the inquiry of our customers and extending our competitive in the market, we set up our main products line in Crimping Tools, Stripping Tools, Cable Tie, Terminals, Fuses, Samson, Coils, Heat Shrinkable Tubing. We are professional, good experienced, efficiency, good service, reliable, activity and available in offering a range of high quality products. We are experienced in offering OEM and value assortments to Well-Know Brand in the world. Please feel free to contact us for any further information, samples for your quality inspection or offer us your comments. Your suggestions will be always welcome. We wish to hear from you soon. We have many different type of package for the Ratchet Type Crimper, if you need any further information, please visit our website www.hsunwang.com and www.toolstw.com or contact us directly. Many thanks for your time and have a nice day.
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